Check Back Soon – we have some exciting speakers coming to visit!
Past Events
Fall GSSA Intro Meeting, Aug 27, 2018
∴ Introduction to Global Surgery for the Undergraduate Medical Student
Dinner Lecture by Dr. Gregory Peck, October 15th, 2018
∴ What Is Global Surgery?
RWJMS GSSA First Meeting, May 3, 2018
∴ Learn the basics of what Global Surgery is
The Rutgers RWJMS chapter of GSSA was founded in early 2018 by Erin Scott, Paul Truche, Ardi Mendoza and Shahyan Rehman and is a student run advocacy group for global surgery with the goal of educating interested students early on as to what global surgery is and how they can integrate global surgery work into their medical school education. It serves as an initial point of contact for students prior to becoming more heavily involved in the Rutgers Global Surgery group.
The power of the learner is immeasurable and students are an invaluable resource when it comes to work in the realm of global surgery.
GSSA is the national student-run global surgery group in the United States and is affiliated with the International Student Surgical Network (InciSioN).

Current Leadership
Shahyan Rehman & Charles Hamilton
For more information, please reach out to us at:
sur5@rwjms.rutgers.edu & cah340@rwjms.rutgers.edu, respectively

Upcoming Events – Spring 2019
Check Back Soon – we have some exciting speakers coming to visit!
Past Events
Fall GSSA Intro Meeting, Aug 27, 2018
∴ Introduction to Global Surgery for the Undergraduate Medical Student
Dinner Lecture by Dr. Gregory Peck, October 15th, 2018
∴ What Is Global Surgery?
RWJMS GSSA First Meeting, May 3, 2018
∴ Learn the basics of what Global Surgery is
The Rutgers RWJMS chapter of GSSA was founded in early 2018 by Erin Scott, Paul Truche, Ardi Mendoza and Shahyan Rehman and is a student run advocacy group for global surgery with the goal of educating interested students early on as to what global surgery is and how they can integrate global surgery work into their medical school education. It serves as an initial point of contact for students prior to becoming more heavily involved in the Rutgers Global Surgery group.
The power of the learner is immeasurable and students are an invaluable resource when it comes to work in the realm of global surgery.
GSSA is the national student-run global surgery group in the United States and is affiliated with the International Student Surgical Network (InciSioN).

Current Leadership
Shahyan Rehman & Charles Hamilton
For more information, please reach out to us at:
sur5@rwjms.rutgers.edu & cah340@rwjms.rutgers.edu, respectively